You've found your perfect horse. The final step before purchase is a 'vet check' or pre-purchase examination.
REVS offers a comprehensive and thorough pre-purchase examination which seeks to provide you (the purchaser) with all the information required to make an informed decision on the horses’ suitability for your intended use. Our dedicated team of experienced equine veterinarians examine the horse with a ‘fine tooth comb’ to identify any abnormalities that may affect future performance.
Specific diagnostics such as endoscopy, radiography (xrays), ultrasounds or reproductive assessment can be incorporated into the pre-purchase examination at your request.
A detailed written report is issued to you listing the risk factors and making suggestions on future management of any conditions noted during the examination. Keep in mind, the veterinarian performing the pre-purchase exam is not your insurance policy. It is an examination at a point in time with consideration given to the intended purpose of the horse, the current level of work, and the history provided.